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If a person could only read one book in order to gain a better understanding of the current crisis in the Church, we suggest this one.


Renowned Oxford historian and writer H.J.A. Sire offers a highly readable account of multiple crisis periods in Church history (with particular focus on Arianism and Protestantism), before analyzing the state of the Catholic Church since the Second Vatican Council. A chapter on the Council itself describes in detail how Pope Paul VI diverted it by placing it under the exclusive control of European liberals. An equally close study is devoted to the liturgical “reform” entrusted to a group of radicals whose work undermined the spiritual and devotional legacy of the faithful.


The loss of orthodox teaching and the widespread disorientation following upon these changes has produced a grave crisis in both clergy and laity, but Sire illustrates the growing return to tradition which already promises a revival of Catholic faith and life. 

Book: Phoenix from the Ashes (Sire)

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Bravo the Restoration!

     2018 by Whispers of Restoration - Ut In Omnibus Glorificetur Deus


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