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“[T]he Novus Ordo could be offered in a quasi-traditional way, whereas the Byzantine and Tridentine liturgies must be offered in a traditional way — there is no choice in the matter. In that one difference alone, we can see the almost infinite gap that separates the modern Roman Rite from any historic rite of Christianity, Eastern or Western.”


Catholic theologian and liturgical scholar Peter Kwasniewski offers an eminently clear and insightful article at New Liturgical Movement, comparing the Byzantine rite of Mass to the traditional Roman rite and the Novus Ordo. He includes a simple and helfpul comparison chart distilling these findings.

Article: The Byzantine Liturgy, the Traditional Latin Mass and the Novus Ordo...

Bravo the Restoration!

     2018 by Whispers of Restoration - Ut In Omnibus Glorificetur Deus


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