~ About ~

Ut in Omnibus Glorificetur Deus
That in all things God might be glorified
VISION: Traditional Catholic resources, curated and readily accessible.
MISSION: Equip Catholics with resources that increase knowledge and love of Our Lord and his One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church, helping others to recognize and navigate this challenging period.
How Does This Site Work?
Think of it as a directory of reviewed and recommendable resources for growing in faith and immersion in Catholic Tradition, as well as in one's broader awareness of the ecclesiastical crisis presently afflicting the Church on earth. From the home page, one is able to search by topic, resource type, and "level of awareness" of the various deviations from traditional doctrine, morals, and liturgy that have accelerated since the latter half of the 20th century. We also offer occasional articles at our blog, to which readers can subscribe separately.
Who Are We?
We are an independent team of Catholic collaborators, parishioners at Catholic parishes in good standing with their local ordinaries, working remotely to devote an assortment of theological degrees, research, writing, design, and ecclesial service roles to the task of proclaiming the Gospel of Christ and the interior freedom that flows from right faith, right conduct, and right worship.
Why Restoration?
The Catholic Church is enduring its most challenging crisis period in history. This is a crisis not chiefly of external assaults (although these are mounting), but rather of a kind of induced amnesia from within: with the advent of the modernist heresy in the 19th century, decades of novelty and ambiguity in liturgy, doctrine, and moral praxis in the 20th have led to a situation where many of the Church's members today are so unmoored from the foundation of Sacred Tradition that many have lost her true face, if not the very dogma of Faith.
Furthermore, the Western world finds itself in an accelerating process of cultural decay in every sector: law and governance, language, religion, socio-economic structures, art, and above all, marriage and the family. A fully Catholic life today will therefore serve a kind of recovery operation, reclaiming a just social order founded on the natural family and the restoration of Catholic faith and praxis.
Above all, we maintain that this restoration will rise or fall in direct proportion to the reclamation of right worship in the objective Catholic liturgical tradition. With Pope Benedict XVI, we are "convinced that the ecclesial crisis in which we find ourselves today depends in great part on the collapse of the liturgy.” The topic of right worship is therefore preeminent among those treated at our blog.
Why Whispers?
Our role in this restoration effort will be a decidedly small one - little more than a whisper. Our main task is the "little way" of hidden intercession and fidelity to our respective states in life. Yet we hope that the resources collated here will assist the faithful in making Our Lord Jesus Christ better known and loved, helping them in turn to hand on the true Faith to others.
We whisper prayers and encouragement all the while; especially for our Pope,
bishops, and priests, who bear grave responsibility before God in this time.
Why Swallows?
Besides being regarded as an ancient token of divine favor Catholic Europe, swallows bespeak the profound freedom, trust, precision, simplicity, hope, courage, clarity, and inner joy which comes from the assent of faith given to the true doctrine of Christ. We are encouraged by Our Lord's words in the Gospel:
"Consider the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? ...Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his justice, and all these things shall be added unto you." (Mt 6:27, 33)
We pray that all may find the Lord's peace in the refuge of His Church.
Even the sparrow finds a home,
and the swallow a nest for herself
where she may lay her young:
even Thine altars, O Lord of hosts,
my King and my God.
(Psalm 84:3)